I'm having trouble connecting to databases.


Off campus users are required to enter a NetID and password to gain access to databases. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) should be temporarily disabled, as they are incompatible with the proxy server that authorizes you to access Library e-resources. UTD's GlobalProtect is one VPN exception that functions normally.

Note: Due to legal agreements with our publishers and providers, the library can provide only currently active UTD students, staff, and faculty remote (off-campus) access to electronic materials. Guest and other outside users (e.g., alumni) can obtain access to some online materials via the Community User (CU) stations located in the library.      

For all users, the following troubleshooting steps will typically resolve e-resources connection issues:

  • Ensure that you are connected to the CometNet network when using wireless internet. UTDGuest is not a compatible network.
  • Errors pertaining to your credentials may indicate an inactive status with UT Dallas, or a simple password issue. Should this occur, reset your password or contact the OIT Help Desk.
  • Access e-resources using Library-provided links. Navigating from outside sources like Google Scholar or outdated saved links will often fail to provide full access.
  • Try using a different browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.).
  • Clear your internet history and cache, then try the resource again.
  • The database may be undergoing routine maintenance. Try again later in the day.


For further assistance, please click the Chat button ("Ask Us") or call (972) 883-2643.


  • Last Updated Aug 29, 2024
  • Views 1130
  • Answered By Matt Makowka

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