How do I gain access to Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)?


What is it?

WRDS is an Internet-based data subscription service that is provided by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. The data available are mainly related to business and finance, and WRDS hosts the major numeric data sets used by academic researchers.

Here is the Library's catalog record for WRDS. Find the link to the WRDS service under the View Online section of this record. Scroll to the Other Titles section of our record to view the list of WRDS datasets that are on the Library's subscription.

Access to WRDS

Currently registered Master’s or PhD students, faculty, and full-time research staff are eligible to request access to WRDS. Visitor accounts are available for visiting faculty (non-permanent or those on a limited appointment). These accounts are subject to additional review and may not be used after the visiting appointment ends.

To request a new account, visit the WRDS homepage and click Register in the top-right corner of the page. Be sure to select University of Texas at Dallas in the Subscriber field.

Once submitted, the Library's representative will be prompted to review and process the account.

When the account nears expiration, an email notification is sent. If the account holder wishes to continue access, the Library's representative will review the response and determine eligibility.


UT Dallas' WRDS representatives:

Matt Young
(972) 883-2627

Davin Pate
(972) 883-2908

Dr. Ellen Safley
(972) 883-2916


  • Last Updated Jan 12, 2024
  • Views 491
  • Answered By Matt Young

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