How do I put money on my Comet Card?
Log in to the GET Portal or install the GET mobile app using your NetID to add Comet Cash. Funds must be added using your credit card or debit card. The university has phased out accepting cash or checks for this purpose. A minimum deposit of $5.00 is required, and there is an additional $0.50 convenience fee.
Comet Cash will carry over from semester to semester. View a list of locations that accept Comet Cash here.
If you are having difficulty adding Comet Cash to your Comet Card, be careful of the following issues:
1. International credit cards are not accepted in the GET Portal. However, the Comet Card Office does accept international credit card payments in person.
2. American Express credit cards are not accepted at UT Dallas.
3. When entering credit card information in the GET Portal, students must use the ZIP code of the billing address that matches the ZIP code their bank has on file as their billing address.