Can I check out a laptop?


Laptops are available to currently-enrolled UTD students and currently-employed UTD faculty for a 7-day borrowing period. Bring your Comet Card to the Eugene McDermott Library, room 2.408 (Multimedia Services) for checkout. Find details about terms of use and included software on our laptop policy page.

Important: The Library's laptops must be in range of the CometNet WiFi network in order to function. Laptop use is restricted to non-residence buildings, on-campus only. Additionally, the computers are restored to the Library's settings when rebooted (clearing your data), so remember to save your work to a separate device or cloud storage like OneDrive.

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) manages a longer term borrowing program for laptops, desktop computers and other equipment. Supplies are limited.

Visit OIT's Student Computer Checkout page to review borrowing requirements and complete the request form.


  • Last Updated Aug 17, 2023
  • Views 558
  • Answered By Matt Young

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