How do I find SEC filings using the EDGAR database?


SEC Filings

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires publicly owned companies to disclose financial information in reports commonly known as SEC filings. The filings are primarily comprised of the following forms:

  • Form 10-Q - unaudited quarterly financial information
  • Form 10-K - audited annual financial information
  • Form 8-K - up-to-date preliminary earning announcements

Accessing SEC filings

The SEC maintains a database called EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval) that enables users to search for filings by Company Name or Ticker.

1) Go to the EDGAR webpage,, and find the link to Company Filings just below the search bar in the upper-right corner.


Image of EDGAR homepage highlighting link to Company Filings below top search bar


2) Begin typing in the Company and Person Lookup box and EDGAR will sugest company names for you.


Image of Company Filings page with Apple entered in the Company Lookup box


3) The resulting page lists reports with the most recent at the top. Locate the latest Form 10-K (annual) or 10-Q (quarterly) and click the Documents button. 


Image of a company profile in EDGAR displaying a table of filing documents below the company info


4) On the resulting Filing Detail page, the table contains html views of sections of this form.

You may also click the Interactive Data button and click through the Financial Statements section in the menu.

Related: How do I find SEC filings using Mergent Online?


  • Last Updated Apr 14, 2022
  • Views 2770
  • Answered By Matt Young

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