Does the Library have Statista?
Statista is a database for market data, company profiles, industry reports, and statistics. It is not among the business databases to which McDermott Library subscribes. Below we will suggest alternative sources from within our subscriptions.
McDermott Library Resources for Market, Company, and Industry data:
There are several options to consult for market and consumer data, company information and financials, industry profiles, and full text business literature:
Find additional Business and Corporations databases by visiting and clicking the Databases tab in the center of the page. Your librarians are standing by if you would like further assistance.
McDermott Library Resources for Statistics:
The McDermott Library also subscribes to several databases that can help find statistical reports outside of the business world. UTD students, faculty and staff can find those databases HERE.
Additional support for JSOM (JSOM Finance Trading Lab)
Additional data sets, business databases, and financial market/trading tools are also available to UTD students at the Naveen Jindal School of Management Finance Trading Lab.