Where can I find the Consumer Reports Buying Guide and product ratings?


The Consumer Reports Buying Guide can be searched in the MasterFILE Complete database. Here are the steps to find product rating reports:


1) Begin by searching "consumer reports" on the Journals tab, located in the main search area of McDermott Library's homepage.

A search of the phrase consumer reports within quotation marks under the Journals tab of the library search


2) Look for the "Consumer reports. Buying guide" result, then click the journal title.

Record for the Consumer Reports. Buying Guide journal


3) Scroll to the View Online section and click the link to EBSCOhost MasterFILE Complete.

Link to EBSCOhost MasterFILE Complete as described in text above


4) Look for the EBSCOhost logo in the top-left corner of the resulting page. Find "Search within this publication" just below it. Click the linked text.

MasterFILE landing page with "search within this publication" link highlighted



5) This will take you to a search interface where you can enter your desired product or product area in the second keyword box, just after the "AND" box. Leave the first keyword box as is.

In this example, we're searching the product area of "appliances." Click Search.

Ebsco search with JN "Consumer Reports Buying Guide" entered automatically as the first keyword and appliances enter as the second keyword

6) The results list contains reports on various types of appliances. Click the HTML Full Text button or PDF icon to read the report.


Search results with titles like cooktops, dishwashers, and gas grills


  • Last Updated Apr 14, 2022
  • Views 1334
  • Answered By Matt Young

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