Does UTD provide access to EndNote Manuscript Matcher or similar applications?
What is EndNote Manuscript Matcher?
In short, Manuscript Matcher is a tool used to determine which academic journals you may want to target for publication. It uses text mining across thousands of journals within the Web of Science Core Collection, Journal Citation Reports, and Arts and Humanities Citation Index to assess the closest match between journal contents and the title, abstract and references (optional) of your manuscript. The top 10 matches are provided to you along with the journals' details, subject coverage and ranking within that subject, Impact Factor, and match strength.
EndNote Manuscript Matcher is offered in trial, full and discounted student licenses. Here are license costs. This application is not currently listed among the offered software on UTD's Educational Technology Services page (students, instructors), or included in the Office 365 suite offered on the Office of Information Technology's webpage.
Similar Applications
There are no manuscript matching applications that will search across all journals, and it is an automated process so it may not be comprehensive or perfect. Here are a handful of similar, FREE services to consider:
- Wiley Journal Finder
- Elsevier JournalFinder
- JANE: Journal/Author Name Estimator
- Springer/Nature Journal Suggester
- IEEE Publication Recommender
- Taylor & Francis Author ServicesL Choosing a Journal
- JSTOR Text Analyzer