How do I search for historic stock prices? (Wall Street Journal)
The library has several resources such as the Wall Street Journal, Standard & Poor's NetAdvantage (Capital IQ), and Factiva for locating historic stock prices. The following instructions are for the Wall Street Journal:
The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) publishes stock trading/end of day prices and is available online for the years 1889 - 2012.
Starting at the library's homepage (
- Select the Journals tab and search for Wall Street Journal:
In the result list, click on Wall Street Journal (Online):
Direct link: -
In the detailed record, select The Wall Street Journal - archive (Available from 1889 until 2012), which will direct you to the ProQuest Historical Newspapers edition of the Wall Street Journal:
- In the ProQuest Historical Newspapers version of the Wall Street Journal, choose "Advanced Search."
On the Advanced Search page, you will see the option to search in any field such as Document Title, Section, or Page. There will also be the option to limit your search to a specific day or date range.
Finally, be sure to select "Stock quote" under Document type as indicated below:
- The following example illustrates a search of stock quotes (document type) for wheat in 1889:
Adjust Sorted by to rank results by relevance, most recent first, or oldest first.
Publication date can be adjusted any time during the search.
Click the Full text – PDF link to access the full text in one of two formats: article view (displays the article only with no additional content) and page view (displays the article in context with the other articles from that day published on the same page).
Below is an example of the article view from the above search:
See also the How do I search for historic stock prices? (Standard & Poor's NetAdvantage / Capital IQ) FAQ.
See also the How do I search for historic stock prices? (Factiva) FAQ.
For additional help, see the Industry & Business Research guide.